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On the Man vs Bear Dilemma
05/25/2024 04:48pm
Tags: man bear forest dilemma
“Would you rather be stuck alone in a forest with a man or a bear?” To this question, in 2024, the vast majority of women polled in many of the videos, in different languages, that spread on various social networks seem to answer that they would prefer the bear. We are referring here to the version of the meme in which the woman is assumed to be stuck, trapped alone with either the man or the bear, not the version of the meme in which the woman is assumed to simply encounter a man or a bear in a forest. This assumption is crucial. Various social media accounts, blogs, and newspaper pages have presented risk calculations based on different methodologies: according to some, it would be more dangerous for the woman to be with the bear; according to others, it would be more dangerous for her to be with the man. All of the pro-man calculations we have examined overlook one simple fact: the probability that a man or woman will commit a crime depends on the probability that, in doing so, he or she will suffer criminal consequences or reputational damage. And the latter probability is plausibly different in a vast forest in the (extremely unlikely) situation where two people are stuck in an unexplored and confined area from which they cannot get out and do not know if they will ever get out, than it is in a city. We are not suggesting that the situation is similar to that in the movie The Purge. Still, it is undoubtedly rash to assume that the same odds apply in the forest in such a situation as in the usual civilized settings. It is also highly plausible that a power imbalance would manifest which — according to a certain feminist logic, for example — would invalidate sexual consent. And therefore — even just in this meaning — the probability of rape would not be extremely low. Murder against a woman who "would not acquiesce" would also be, plausibly, more likely than in the usual civilized contexts. However, it is reasonable to assume that the risk of death is much more significant in the bear option. So it seems reasonable to assume that, plausibly, in the case of the man option, the risk of experiencing sexual violence or sexual harassment is higher, and the risk of dying is much lower. In the case of the bear option, on the other hand, the risk of experiencing sexual violence or harassment is much lower, and the risk of dying is higher. Aren't the women interviewed a bit like Saint Maria Goretti?

Nature is not the intelligent design of a wise architect, but the result of chance and deep time; it still has infinite flaws. One of these is the intolerable (for us avant-gardists) asymmetry of sexual dimorphism in the human species, without which so-called sexism would have far less to feed on. Sexual dimorphism tends to depend very significantly on sexual selection, which generally correlates with asymmetry between the sexes in parental investment [1]. In the human species, there seems to be evidence that less imbalance in sexual selection is related to greater male parental investment, thus to a more balanced and equal situation [2][3]. Female breasts — as an indicator of a less one-sided sexual selection process — would seem to depend, at least to some extent, on male parental investment. It represents a partial reversal of the usual pattern of male adornment due to sexual selection [4]. Hence, we avant-gardists make them a symbol of gender symmetry.

Since we derive our aesthetics from our ideology, the female breast will symbolically be at the center of our aesthetics and more generally, we glorify the sexualized, provocative, "objectified" and inviting woman. We also hold so-called "pick me girls" in high esteem and defend the right/duty of women to walk around bare-breasted on the streets and in public places.

[1] Brennan, Patricia. "Sexual selection." Nature Education Knowledge 3.10 (2010): 79.

[2] Trivers, Robert L. "Parental investment and sexual selection." Sexual selection and the descent of man. Routledge, 2017. 136-179.

[3] Shuster, Stephen M., and Michael J. Wade. Mating systems and strategies. Princeton University Press, 2003.

[4] Duncan, Melanie. Sexual selection and human breast morphology. Diss. Open Access Te Herenga Waka-Victoria University of Wellington, 2010.